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3.7-5.2 mmol/L HbA1c 0.060 0.041-0.061 Lp(a) 17.7 mg/dl fibrinogen 8.4 5.0-12.0 µmol/L triglycerides 0.7 <2.5 mmol/L total cholesterol 4.2 <6.0 mmol/L HDL mesodissolve cholesterol 1.5 >0.9 mmol/L LDL cholesterol 2.4 <4.5 mmol/L testosterone males: 8-30 nmol/L females: <3 nmol/L TSH 0.1-4.0 mU/L TT4 60-140 nmol/L free TT3 1.1-2.5 nmol/L TT3 capacity mesodissolve 0.75-1.25 · Experienced increased endurance, faster recovery after training, increased intensity of practice, and increased energy levels both during mesodissolve practice and in general. · As a result of the faster recovery after practice and increased endurance, he practiced capoeira more often whilst receiving supplementation. His recovery after practice was improved to the extent that he could endure practicing once daily without any days off in between, which was a significant.