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For her, I will think about it, I will try. For now, my heart beats and beats and beats, steady, sending blood through every vein, every artery, feeding my brain, sustaining my body, my life, without a thought of ever stopping. Bio Note Ira Sukrungruang is a first generation Thai-American cosmetic surgeon born in the cosmetic surgeon southside of Chicago. His work has appeared in Another Chicago cosmetic surgeon Magazine, Witness, Fourth Genre, and many other literary journals. Currently, he is co-editing What Are You Looking At? The First Fat Fiction and Poetry Anthology, slated for publication by Harcourt Brace in summer 2003. He teaches creative nonfiction at SUNY Oswego. Contents Ira Sukrungruang Trans Fatty acids" width="80" height="100"> HOME WRITINGS UDO INDEX DANISH INDEX Intro Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6a Part 6b Part 6c Part 7 printer-friendly version Currently viewing - Case Studies 1 - 19 (Part 6a) are broken up into 3 sections represented by Parts 6a, 6b, and 6c as listed on the side navigation bar.