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h). Flat on my back I cross my arms across my chest and raise my back three polar inches off the ground in a modified sit-up. i).  50 torso twists with arm extensions. j).  50 toe touches. Bad Weather If it is snowing or raining outside or if I can't polar get out to walk, I do the following full aerobics routine and this takes 30 minutes to complete with 60 second breaks between steps if I start to get winded: a). 100 jumping jacks. b). 25 deep knee bends. c). 100 jumping jacks. d). 25 push-ups. e). 25 side leg extensions for each leg. f). 25 front leg extensions for each leg. g). 25 back leg extensions for each leg. h). 25 push-ups. i). 100 jumping jacks. j). 25 push-ups. k). 100 jumping jacks. l). 25 push-ups. m). Flat on my back I bring my knees to my chest 25 times. n). Flat on my back I cross my arms across my chest and raise my back three inches off the ground in a modified sit-up.
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