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Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. navigator.javaEnabled()==1?EXjv="y":EXjv="n"; EXd=document;EXw?"":EXw="na";EXb?"":EXb="na"; EXd.write("");//--> Home |  Forums |  My Topics |  Calendar |  Event Signups |  Memberlist |  Our C-Dorys |  The Brat Map |  Photos  Search |   Private Messages |   Profile |   Log in |   Register |   Help  Calendar  Calendar Sat 18 Mar 2006  03/18 - lowe CB CR Yacht Club DinnerCalendar event: From 18 Mar 2006 to 18 Mar 2006 (included)Author: B~CDate: Forum: C-Brat Cruises and GatheringsJust a thought, anybody up for a low key dinner meeting sometime in the lowe Portland/Vancouver area?Added to Calendar for March 18, 2006, 6:00 pm at BJ\'s lowe Jantzen Beach in Portland, OregoViews:2130Replies:62', event.pageX, event.pageY);" onMouseOut="destroyTitle();" class="genmed">03/18 - CB CR Yacht Club Dinner Sun 19 Mar 2006" class="genmed">Sun 19 Mar 2006 Mon 20 Mar 2006 Tue 21 Mar 2006 Wed 22 Mar 2006 Thu 23 Mar 2006 Fri 24 Mar 2006 Distant Lands & Faraway Places...
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