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Shortly after, I received an e-mail from a school in Venetrie asking if I would be willing to come there and speak if the joints elders of the village agreed. I replied asking where Venetrie was located and for some information about the village and school. joints The answer was that this was a village of about 250 people, who were all related. The school of 50 students covered all12 grades. The village was across the arctic circle and there were no cars, restaurants or movie theaters. There was a village store and everyone used snow machines or dog joints sleds to get around in the wintertime and four-wheelers in the summer. I agreed to go but my husband, Herb, said he did not want me to go alone and he was willing to pay his own way, since the school was paying mine. The next e-mail told us to bring sleeping bags, pillows, some food, and to dress warmly as the temperature sometimes got down below -50 degrees.