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Of course, there went the whole vein treatments including varicose veins and spider veins ball game." This woman is inclined to believe, on the basis of her own single experience, that sex vein treatments including varicose veins and spider veins between two fat people is vein treatments including varicose veins and spider veins difficult if not impossible. But she did not attend the NAAFA meeting at which my wife and I met a charming couple and their beautiful year-old daughter. Both the man and his wife weighed easily in excess of 300 pounds. Mr. Grosswirth did pause to wonder if a woman of 700 pounds might have difficulty with intercourse. He had apparently missed an item in the New York Times, datelined March 28, 1936. It seems that Mrs. Gertrude Karns gave birth that day to a healthy 9-pound 3-ounce baby girl at a hospital in Shreveport, Louisiana. The new mother weighed 745 pounds. The icing on the cake is that the father, Cliff Karns, weighed a hefty 304. The Karns, alas, did not leave us a manual to quote from (or even a set of diagrams).