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No longer was a woman who was rounded, curvaceous, and "well endowed" thought of as the preferred figure. Instead, the "flapper" of the Jazz Age seemed to personify all flat stomach that was charming. The boyish, slender, trim figure became the desired ideal. Men and women today may laugh about it, but the cliche, "You flat stomach can't be too rich or too thin!" has influenced our lives more than many of us are willing to admit. 1. flat stomach To maintain an ideal body the patient must maintain an overall physical program. 2. Exercise is essential for everyone, and te doctor will help decide on the program that is best for you. What is medically ideal, in terms of build or figure? And is the medical "ideal" the look that most of us want to achieve? If you ask a woman who is dieting what yardstick she uses to measure success-the number of pounds she has dropped, the clothing size she can now wear, or the measurement she has lost in inches of various body parts-chances are she will base her feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction on the reduction of her hips, thighs, buttocks,