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I've never asked her double chins what sort of diet she keeps, because I think she double chins can eat pretty much anything she wants within reason and burn it off in the next few days. She double chins carries enough muscle to probably need 4000 calories a day just to maintain it. She does all the 'big' exercises, mostly the same stuff the really big men do, but trust me, she doesn't look like a man. She has grace and stature, and I'm sure would look stunning in an evening gown. She has been doing this most of her adult life, and it hasn't crashed her femininity at all. When I get the chance to speak with senior women about how to stay attractive, lean and strong, I tell them they need to weight train with high intensity, using a three day split (split the body into three zones, and work each zone once per week to allow full recovery) and work out like the big guys in the gym.